Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Procedures of Dreamweaver CS3 Exercise 1 MPT 1193

1. First of all create a new site in Dreamweaver CS 3. Save the new site in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\exercise.

2. Create a database in Access and save the database in the folder c:\inetpub\wwwroot\info. The database must save in MS Access 2002-2003 with .mdb file extension

3. create a table in database and create the following fields:
i) nama ii) username iii) password iv) remarks

4.For remarks field, choose Memo as its data type.

5. Then create connection in Dreamweaver CS 3. Open the database panel, click at + button, select Custom Connection String. Enter a name for the connection as dmxregister. Enter the connection string as "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="& Server.MapPath("/info/dataregister.mdb"). click test to connect to the database and then click ok.

6. Create a new ASP VBScrip page. Insert a form. Insert a table and insert the text and text field like given in the Exercise 1.

7. Give the name to the text field in Properties panel.

8. Save the page as register.asp in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\exercise

9. Then set the Insert Record to write data into database. Click Active Server Behaviors tab. Click the + button then select Insert Record, select the connection that you gad created then click ok. Save the file.
10. Create a new ASP VBScrip page. Save the file as viewregister.asp.

11. Create the text and text field for name, username, password and remarks.

12. Click Server Behaviors tab. Click the + button, select RecordSet. Select the connection that you had created. Select sort: nama and Ascending to sort the data for viewing. Click test.

13. Activate Bindings tab. Click + button select RecordSet. Click at + button sign in front of the RecordSet and you can see all the fields in the database.

14. Drag nama into cell 1 in column 2 in the table that you create in viewregister.asp. drag other fields also into the following cell in column 2. Draw a line below the table. Next highlight the table including the line below the table. Click the + button on the panel, select Repeat Region. Click ok.

15. Open back your register.asp file. Double click Insert Record behavior in Server Behavior and add viewregister.asp in After inserting go to: click ok.

16. Click at Preview in Browser icon. Type any data and click save button. Automatically the viewregister.asp file will be displayed and you can see the data that you typed.

Selasa, 1 September 2009

Adding flash file to your blog

Here is the code to add flash file to your blog. Copy and paste it to "Edit Html". First of all you have to upload your swf file to any webserver. I upload my swf file to The location is

Copy this code

<embed pluginspage="" align="middle" src="Your swf file location" width="400" height="300" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="false" bgcolor="#ffffff" quality="high"></embed>


How to upload flash file to

After you log in to click at the site you have create. Then it will pop up a new window showing your site. Click at the "more actions" at right top and select "manage site". Then click at "Attachments" at left column. Then click at upload. You can upload the swf file now. The location of you file is site name/your file name.swf
Have a try. Good luck!

Pratical Test

The test is about shape tweening, motion tweening, button, action scrip and dynamic text. All the steps had been taught by Dr. Zaidatun. We just need to combine it to become one file.

Here is my pratical test flash file.